... in terms of an idea, we all follow the same goal ... to make it happen ...
As soon as economic interests follow an idea, the protection of the Intellectual Property (IP) comes to the fore. The protection for the IP, the resources for design & development as well as the functional proof must be available, or be performed externally.
If the necessary resources are not completely available and should not be built-up internally with long and expensive effort only external service providers can be considered.
Questions are arising:
- shall the idea be filed theoretically with the risk that new findings are arising during development and/or
prototyping which then must be filed again and which can eventually stand against the previous application?
- or shall the development and/or prototype be done prior to the patent-filing with the risk, that a competiotor
files a similar technology prior to you.
- when and how is the protection by a patent best of all?
Following the principle, the fewer parties are involved, the better the protection of IP will be.
A single person, providing all of the necessary resources, having no economic interests in the idea, and shows a high loyalty would be the optimum protection. And
if all other participants are originated from the principal the best way to handle IP has been achieved.